Gatherings of equines, the introduction of new horses into the workforce or travel are risky situations in terms of contamination between equines. In addition to being transmitted by sick horses, the disease can circulate indirectly through soiled equipment (rugs, halters, etc.), buildings (boxes, grooming areas, showers, etc.), unmaintained trucks and vans and the personnel contaminated through hands and clothing.

A lack or poor disinfection leads to numerous cascading problems. Maintaining economic activities and the health of horses necessarily require impeccable hygiene.


Disease prevention

The equestrian environment can easily become a fertile breeding ground for the spread of various infectious diseases, such as equine influenza, rhinopneumonitis, and strangles. Disinfection helps to prevent the transmission of these diseases among horses, thus ensuring their health and well-being.

A sick horse can incur significant veterinary costs for its owner; some diseases can even be disabling or fatal.

Economic impact

The economic impact of equine diseases varies, but it can include not only veterinary costs but also the loss of income due to the inability to participate in competitions, the decrease in the animal’s value, and the costs associated with quarantine or disease eradication.

Maintening performance and quality of life

Sick or weakened horses due to infections cannot perform to the best of their abilities, whether in competition, work, or leisure. Disinfection helps to maintain a healthy environment that promotes the performance and well-being of horses. Infections can have serious consequences on the long-term health of horses. By preventing diseases through disinfection measures, we contribute to increasing longevity and improving the quality of life for horses.

Modes of disease transmission

Pathogens can be transmitted (spread or transferred) via a number of routes; however, not all pathogens are transmitted by all routes. The characteristics of the pathogens, such as their ability to survive in the environment, can significantly influence the mode of transmission.

Direct transmission

Pathogens are transmitted between animals through close physical contact. Depending on the pathogen, contact with skin, blood, saliva, respiratory fluids, urine, semen, feces, and milk can transmit the pathogen. 

Indirect transmission

Pathogens can be transmitted via an intermediary that has been contaminated or infected. This can be an inanimate object (bridle, dirty clothing, contaminated food and/or water) or a living animal (insect, rodent).

  1. Indirect contact – Transmission occurs through contact with a person (for example, contaminated clothing, shoes, and/or hands), or with an inanimate object (passive vector) by sharing equipment such as needles, syringes, artificial vaginas, dental equipment, contaminated vehicles, trailers, water buckets, and blankets. Pathogen transmission can occur over short distances (among animals in the same premises) and long distances (after travel for events and gatherings). Indirect contact with contaminated surfaces (soiled stalls and enclosures previously occupied by infected horses) can lead to pathogen transmission. Pathogens transmitted in this way must be able to survive in the environment long enough to come into contact with a susceptible horse.
  2. Ingestion – Transmission through the consumption of contaminated feed and water by pathogens. The source of contamination can include, among other things, manure, urine, nasal secretions, and grass contaminated with parasite larvae.
  3. Aerosol droplets – The transmission of pathogens over a short distance by contaminated fluid droplets generated by coughing, sneezing, snorting, and neighing. Inhalation of these droplets can lead to disease transmission.
  4. Airborne – Transmission by very small particles suspended in the air that result from the movement of contaminated material. These can remain suspended in the air and travel over a long distance.
  5. Vectors (living organisms) – Transmission by a living organism (for example, humans, animals, insects, and ticks) infected or contaminated with pathogens. In some cases, the insect vector is required for the development or multiplication of the pathogen before it becomes infectious to the horse.